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How to Apply Makeup to Achieve a Natural Look

  1. Step 1
    Understand that a 'natural' look is one that uses colors that are right for your skin tone. How much you use, and where, depends on your personal style.
  2. Step 2
    Make sure your concealer is yellow in tone since it mutes imperfections without adding color, giving your skin a natural look.
  3. Step 3
    Apply foundation that matches your skin tone. The right foundation will seem to disappear on your face. If you are African-American, it's a good idea to have light, medium and dark shades of your foundation to allow for different gradations of color on different parts of your face.
  4. Step 4
    Apply eye makeup in earthy tones'beige, brown, gold or plum for shadows and brown and charcoal gray for liner and mascara. Skip liner or shadow entirely if you want to keep makeup light.
  5. Step 5
    Choose a blush color that is close to the color of your cheeks after you've exercised.

Bright Makeup Looks

As I said in my previous blog post I was gonna show some of my make-up looks which I've done during whole last week. Also here is two looks I did using one of the Sleek palettes in Acid which has sort of neon colors in it. By the way, I am gonna to do a series of make-up tutorials using all the Sleek palettes I've got in a swap. So exciting about that too. Have a lot of bright and nice ideas for that.

Anyways, here is the first looks I've done using bright Acid palette. Cutting the crease with a neon purple. On my upper lid I have a neon pink and blue eye shadows. The pink one is so pretty and such vivid eye shadow. In love with all those colors!

Here is another one using some yellow and green neon shadows. Kind of tried to create a 3D effect on my eyes. For my lips I used Sleek Wonder Last lip color in 608 Berry Blush as well. Excuse my wet hair on this picture. Here I just got washed them.

This is another bright look using my VoV 24 palette. I did this make-up before I've got the parcel. So, just played with some colors. Using matte eye shadows in white, green and black. Sort of Spring make-up look.

And here is the last one. Again using VoV 24 palette. For this look I used more matte eye shadow in light orange, bright orange, chocolate brown and baby pink I guess. Hahaha~ I just noticed that my orange pajamas totally suits this make-up look :P

Just a quick update! If you like to see any of these make-up tutorials just let me know and I'll try to re-create it for you.

Polka Dot Nail Tips & Swirling Nail Design

It is another quick update for today for my nails of the day. Because I have to go on interview with my teachers. I am gonna take some classes and kind of don't have much time for blogging. But at the same time don't wanna be a MIA again. Anyways, here is two random nail designs I've done. Recently my nails are outgrowths a little bit and I can do more nail tutorials.

Finally yesterday I decided to made a fresh manicure on my nails. And I used a nail polish which I won in one of give-aways. It is Sinful Colors in Mercury Rising #860. This nail polish is so beautiful! I like it very-very much! I had pretty the same color may be 2 or 3 years ago ( my little sister liked it too so I gave it to her ). And after that I couldn't find anything like this. And one day I saw a give-away for this nail polish and I won it! Yey! Now I have such color again. Very glad to have it! As usual, when I did this picture for the polka dot nail tips there wasn't sunlight out there; it is raining 2 days in a row. So, you totally can't see all the beautiful-ness of the nail polish. But it is kind of burgundy color with a tiny red and gold sparkles to it. Anyways, I applied this color in two coats as always and with VoV Chamon nail polish in White I created some dots on the tips of my nails. And for final step you just have to seal all the design with a clear top coat. 

Here is another nail manicure which I was wearing on last week. For this design I've used VoV Nail Cone nail polish in Beige Mousse #1297 all over my nail plate in one very thick coat. And then before it got dry I drew a few pretty thin lines along and across the entire nail plate using Sinful Colors in Mercury Rising #860 nail polish again. And quickly with a needle I made kind of circular motions all over the surface. It is not my design, I saw this on you tube and totally can't remeber where it was, so without a links to that video. But anyways, I am sure you've got an idea. I think it's very simple nail arts, but still being sort of nail art.

Beautifull eyes

     Finally today the rain had stopped pouring. And it is such nice and warm and sunny spring day out there so my mood is absolutely great! And I feel like it is a great start to play around my Sleek eye shadow palettes again, because I want to do a series type of make-up looks using all of them, I mean 4 of them which I have got in a swap. So, I decided to start my mini-series from Acid palette which is totally my favourite one. Because the colors in there are absolutely bright and pigmented and neon but powdery. And I am kind of can't wearing them on daily based. Anyways, I have a lot of enjoy and fun just to play with them for my tutorials only. 

My today's look is based on smokey sort of basic make-up with a sharp edges on the outer corners. Which is pretty simple to do, you just have to spend some time on a good blending and thats all. I used only 3 colors and brow bone highlight for this look. I also want to note that all these colors are matt, but if you prefering shimmery shades more go ahead and use them. It is really up to you. Hope you'll like the look...

To start with I put on the scotch tape on the corners of my eyes, because I feel kind of lazy to use a plastic card today. After that with a random black eye pencil apply kind of color base for your eye shadows. I used just Dove black eyeliner which is creamy enough to use it for this step. Also after I applied the black eye pencil I blended it in and up with my ring finger.


Next I took my flat stiff brush and packed matte black eye shadow all over the black base. And with a tip of your brush gentely try to blend out all the harsh lines. It is kind of massy right now, but it's ok! Don't worry, it's gonna be very nice in a little bit.

With another flat eye shadow brush I applied violet shade all around the black eye shadow and nicely connected 2 colors together.

Turn the same brush to the other clean side and apply red violet color on top of the previous eye shadow. Just to make it little bit more bright. And again blend all together smoothly. Because smokey eyes it's all about the perfect blending!

Ones you have all that bright colors on, take a big flat eye shadow brush and apply that matte white eye shadow on to the brow bone as a highlight shade. And blend down the violet colors to make the look more soft and smooth. Now you can take off the scotch tape.

Also I lined my waterline with the same black Dove eye pencil and pull it all over the lower lash line. On top of that black pencil I applied the first violet color I've used on my top lid. As well as I applied the same matte white highlight shade on outer corners of my eyes, where the sharp edge is. Just to make them look more nice and clean.

To finish the look I lined my upper lid with The Face Shop black liquid eyeliner, applied VoV #1 false eye lashes, curled them with my real eye lashes and applied a little bit of clear mascara on, just to blend together fake and real lashes a bit better. And thats it!

For my lips I used Castledew lipstick #130 (very light baby pink color) and Icing lipgloss, also in light pink on top of that.
Thats it for the smokey eyes. I don't really know what look is gonna be next, but it definately will be something bright again!

Here are some additional tips that you can use while learning to apply eye shadow to create a professional appearing eye makeup

Learning to apply Eye shadow can be simple, as there are many online tutorials through pictures, videos and even instructions that can help you to learn to apply eye shadow to create a variety of different looks through the eye area.

Here are some additional tips that you can use while learning to apply eye shadow to create a professional appearing eye makeup.

    * Take a tip from the professionals and make use of powder that can be applied under the eye area before the eye shadow has been applied. This can allow you to easily remove any eye shadow that has fallen under the eye area and may affect the coloring within the skin. This way, the eye shadow residue can be easily removed with the powder with a simple brush.
    * Use various colors of shadow throughout the lid and the brow line that can help you to get a dimension appearing style through the application. Using these multiple colors of style throughout the eye is one of the most effective ways to get a professional appearing eye style and can help you to make the most of your personal style. There are many times when charts come with quads of eye shadow that can demonstrate where the eye shadow can be placed, use these charts.

Having a wide variety of eye shadow colors and palettes within the collection can help to ensure that you are able to retain a versatile look that you can easily change from day to night. Although you may not use these colors everyday and have a couple of preferences for everyday, it is important to be able to create new looks in case you find yourself bored with your appearance, or craving something new.

happy fringes work

tousled hair

These happy fringes work great with fine hair. The razorcut layers create volume, which is brought out even more by very blonde highlights. To get this fun texture the hair was misted with spray gel and blow dried with the head held forward. Then use a bit of styling wax or cream to separate the ends and to achieve the tousled look.